The Coronavirus Shutdown

Following a smooth final tech rehearsal, a cloud of anxiety floated overhead on March 12th as different schools in Fairfield Country announced closings. The backstage buzz reminiscent of the anticipation of what one might expect with the forecast of a nor’easter, gave several a bit of anxiety concerning work, children and college students who were being sent home early. Once I was in the car, radio on, the announcement that the NBA cancelled their season, made it clear this was just the beginning.

Tech week can be stressful enough as it often presents a wide variety of challenges, surprises or even a dreaded power outage. Since Sunday morning, the entire company of “An Evening of One Acts” produced by the Ridgefield Theater Barn, worked together, became close as a theatre community tends to be, and looked forward to our 13 performances ahead. During the previous six or seven weeks, each of the eight one acts rehearsed separately. We worked together in the theatre space for dress and tech rehearsals and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. That cancelled “invited dress,” on March 12th, due to the age and vulnerable condition of the senior audience was a cause of concern for all of us and served as prelude for what was to come.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, all shows, from Broadway to high school productions, were shut down. Heartbreaking for so many, especially high school seniors, several shows tried to keep it going through Zoom rehearsals while others just were done. Plans altered, incomes lost, shows folded and the reality of how theatre looks changed.